Based on my own personal experience in Sadat’s informal peace negociation times in the early 70th, I am not an unconditional admirer of the man, however he at least, meditates about the medium to long trend evolution – which most intellectuals and politicians do not because of their “short-termism” addiction.
It seems obvious that the world is in need of a serious governance reengineering efforts so to be able to address today’s dichotomy between a localized economy steered by what may be defined as the “Anglosphere” and on the “other” side a very large number of Nation-State societies that aspire to be owners of their own houses. As such, one may be inclined to say that a first “adapt to new realities” priority should be directed towards the now obsolete UN political governance system. This is certainly a very complex project that will require not only gathered wise experience, a better understanding of hidden realities but also a lot on inventive thinking.
Needless to point out that whilst some of the "democracy experience" gathered
by our US friends can be utilized on a case by case basis as reference, however one has difficulties in agreeing with Kissinger and many US elitist political thinkers’ affirmation that "America’s exceptional nature must be sustained." History shows, without exception, that this sort of Icarus type self-promotion “I can fly higher than the others and therefore I must be considered an exception” never produced sustainable journeys – all
those who believed in their exceptional nature inevitably stalled and
when failing to take in time corrective trimming actions eventually crashed.
Dr. Kissinger is certainly correct in triggering loudly the geopolitical “stall warning alarm”, but he needs to recognize that the prevailing “Anglosphere” leadership is not anymore qualified to conduct alone the vital fall and crash escape maneuvers without the participation of the “other” world stakeholders, even if these are still in their own search phase.